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Making the joy and utility of zero-emissions, personal, vertical flight accessible to all.
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The Future of Transportation is vertical and accessible to all
Founded in November 2017, LIFT Aircraft leverages distributed electric propulsion (DEP) technology, autonomous “fly-by-wire” flight control systems, and our patented design for HEXA, a personal drone that anyone can fly.
Operating Cost / Flight
<1 hour
Training Time
License Required

Introducing Hexa

An electric, vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft; a single-seat, hover-optimized, semi-autonomous personal aerial vehicle.
We designed HEXA to be the safest possible aircraft for short range flights. We chose a hover-optimized design for enhanced levels of maneuverability, wind resilience, and redundancy.

The cabin and landing gear can be swapped with any payload

Enabling a variety of manned and unmanned applications, including heavy lift cargo, fire response, and medical evacuation.
Search & rescue
Air ambulance
Defensible business model with minimal regulatory barriers
HEXA is approved to fly in the US under FAR Part 103, which allows us to launch pay-per-flight operations for daytime, fair weather (Visual Flight Rules), recreational flying over non-congested areas in uncontrolled airspace by anyone, with no pilot’s license required.
Highly profitable pay-per-flight model
Aircraft Cylce
30 Min
Flight Slots/Day
Avg. Utilization
A/C Initial Cost
Variable Cost/Flight
Net Revenue/Flight
A/C Break-Even
100 DAYS
Significant Backing from the US Air Force
LIFT personnel are flight testing HEXA at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida under an ongoing Phase III contract. After a recent $1.9M contract extension and expansion, we are also in the process of activating a second aircraft.
Sold-out 25-City Nationwide Tour
More than 4,000 prepaid flight reservations and an additional 11,000 waitlist requests.
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